The Aquabats Super Show - Tour Blog!

Follow your favorite sandwich eating super-heroes, THE AQUABATS! on their adventurous travels!
Keep checking in, for up-to-the-minute goings on!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Tour has truly begun! Last night we touched down in the windy city. After a nice day of taking in the sights, procuring customized apparel and eating hot dogs, we packed The Metro full of kids, young and old, short and tall, sweaty and not! Everything went well, Plunket and Mustard Plug were great. Everyone had a really fun time, even despite the Time Sprinkler trying to shut down the show. I hope we don't see him again, though I've got a lingering suspicion that we might... Thousands of Chicagoans are now safer, all thanks to The Aquabats! Sleep tight, Chicago.

Tomorrow; Minneapolis! We'll see you there!


  1. you forgot to mention singing/dancing bums after the show! haha. I was there! check out the blog!

  2. Gah! The Detroit show is sooooo clooooose... the wait is killing me!

  3. hey guys. just wanted to let you know i loved the super music friends show at yo gabba gabba this afternoon! i was the dude in the front row who was far more enthusiastic to see you guys than my three year old son. don't worry, he loves you too. unfortunately, we came from out of town and by the time we got home it was too late to get back to toronto for the show at the mod club. hopefully you come back soon.
