The Aquabats Super Show - Tour Blog!

Follow your favorite sandwich eating super-heroes, THE AQUABATS! on their adventurous travels!
Keep checking in, for up-to-the-minute goings on!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We rolled into Chapel Hill, North Carolina shortly after 1pm Tuesday afternoon. The trip was some what uneventful but we did have some fun truck stops complete with truck stop food along the way. Crash and Jimmy found some Krispy Kreme donuts, Evan got some hot dogs, everyone else had various delicious snacks except the MCBC who had some gross looking chile lime flavored pumpkin seeds. Sick!

At any rate, Chapel Hill is a BIG college town and our hotel was painted with mural after mural of NC sports teams in action.. and since all of us are HUGE jocks..we felt right at home. Nate and the crew dropped off the bats at the hotel and went to unload the trailer at the club, called the CAT'S CRADLE, in nearby Carborro, the next city over.

Most of the band rested up while others went out to local food marts and eateries for more delicious snacks! Ricky Fitness, Chainsaw and the Bat Commander all found themselves at a nearby TRADER JOE'S and found the most delicious of healthy snacks..!! It was awesome.... I guess.... if Dried fruit, Smoked Salmon, Cottage Cheese and Japanese Crackers are your idea of a good time. They were annoyingly stoked on healthy snacks... They kept talking about TRADER JOE'S!! I guess they need a sponsorship from ... TRADER JOE'S.

We all jumped into a cab for the 35 minute car ride to the club... even though it was only ten minutes away.. what a gip! Chapel Hill and Carborro are cool little Hamlets with lots of yummy places to eat and cool little stores to shop at. The CAT'S CRADLE is a legendary club that has been around for years and years. The band happy to learn the sound guy was a former crew member of the SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS! BOO YA! We did our sound check and then argued for an hour if the MCBC should shave his real mustache.. he was out voted 10 to one.... that he should keep the real one.. We visited a surplus store which was awesome, Ricky got a hair cut, Jimmy met a young lady who liked to dig through trash in public... and she dug away.... until the cops came and took here away.. I guess she was... 'off her rocker."

The Action Design and Koo Koo Kanga Roo were awesome as ever, check out these shots of Koo Koo Kanga Roo!

The SHOW was awesome.. we fought some crab people and really worked them ... with guitars and everything.. until chainsaw threw a giant piece of crab man claw and little too hard and broke Jimmy's saxophone... woops.. So with broken sax we carried on .... asking the kids to sing the horn parts.. which was awesome!

It was particularly awesome when we played LOBSTER BUCKET and CAPTAIN HAMPTON!! It was great fun. It was also fun seeing old friends and meeting new ones! WORD KIDS! We packed up like donkeys and headed back to the Hotel.. There we witnessed the LOS ANGELES LAKERS defeat the UTAH JAZZ on TV! I LOVE FOOTBALL!

Goodnight Homies..


  1. One of my top three all time favorite shows ever!!1! Thanks for comin to NC!

  2. Absolute favorite show that I've ever been to. You guys were like a breath of fresh air to the music scene in NC. <3 Please come back again soon!
